Denver Start Up Week


Design for AI and Cognitive Computing

Hosted by: Brenton Elmore (Echo User-UX Designer)

Notable info: Facebook Multipathnet. I completely forgot that Facebook bought Oculus so this visual AI makes sense. The tool makes a mask of objects within a field of view and determines what the object most likely is.

Front End For Backend Developers

Hosted by: Matt Raible (Okta)

Notable info: The leading JavaScript frameworks are Angular, React, & Vue.js for 2017. I believe I will be learning React within the galvanize development program, but I’m really interested in learning Vue.js.

Navigating the Path, from Junior to Senior

Hosted by: Panel of Junior to Senior developers ranging from 1.5 – 10 years experience.

Notable info: Imposter Syndrome. I always have this feeling to where I know I have the skills, but I am afraid that there might be something that I don’t quite understand and someone will call me out on it. I was glad to here that even at 10 plus years of experience in the field, the Senior devs still have this feeling.

Design for Social Impact

Hosted by: GRID Advocate

Notable info: Design should be catered to the people who will be using it. Knowing your audience and testing it out is a must. delivering prototypes and receiving in-person feedback is the best way to gauge the audiences responses.

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